OR Technology Medici DR Systems

DR retrofit kits designed to upgrade your existing stationary and/or mobile X-ray system(s) to digital.

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OR Technology Medici DR Systems

DR System upgrade kits designed to upgrade your existing stationary and/or mobile X-ray system(s) to digital. These upgrades are compatible with almost any existing X-ray system and are designed to improve image quality, image processing, ease of use of the system and adjust to your individual work routine without having to replace your entire X-ray system.

Key Features:

Upgrades include the following:

  • Choose from either tethered or wireless flat panel detectors in various sizes including custom-made
  • Includes dicomPACS®DX-R acquisition and diagnostic software with integrated X-ray positioning guide
  • Auto Exposure Detection (AED) ensures no intervention or customisation of the system or the cable is necessary
  • Simple, easy installation